The Himfluencer Podcast
The HimFluencer podcast was created to encourage Christ followers to use the voice and gifts they were given to advance the Kingdom of God, shine the love of Jesus and influence for HIM.
The Himfluencer Podcast
The HimFluencer Podcast: "Read with me: John 4:1-42" [Episode 11]
Season 1
Episode 11
On this episode we are doing another "read with me" session. While recording for the SuazoTalk podcast I was convicted about something which brought John chapter 4 to my mind. So here we are. Grab your bible if you can, if not it's all good.
Welcome to The HimFluencerPodcast. A podcast created to equip and empower Christ followers with this one truth: The Jesus who died to live in us, also died to be shared by us.
I hope this encourages you and I hope you find value in it. Remember, wherever you go; your influence matters. Follow the podcast on Social media @TheHimfluencerPodcast.
🔹References 🔹
John 4:1-42