The Himfluencer Podcast
The HimFluencer podcast was created to encourage Christ followers to use the voice and gifts they were given to advance the Kingdom of God, shine the love of Jesus and influence for HIM.
The Himfluencer Podcast
The HimFluencer Podcast: "Read with me: Daniel Chapter 3" [Episode 8]
Season 1
Episode 8
In this episode, We are doing something a little different. One day I was preparing to preach and as I was reading the word, some things jumped out at me. So the idea of a "Read with me" episode came to mind. This time, its Daniel Chapter 3. While this is different from the normal format; you can't wrong with the word of God!
Welcome to The HimFluencerPodcast. A podcast created to equip and empower Christ followers with this one truth: The Jesus who died to live in us, also died to be shared by us.
I hope this encourages you and I hope you find value in it. Remember, wherever you go; your influence matters. Follow the podcast on Social media @TheHimfluencerPodcast.
🔹References 🔹
Daniel Chapter 3 NLT